Triple Crown Race Series is looking for a Race Office Manager for 5 of their rounds. The applicant needs to be able to travel to Calgary, Rocky Mountain House & Cold Lake on 3 specific weekend.


Ø Sign-in Flaggers

Ø Sign-in for racing on Friday night for 2 hours

Ø Sign-in for racing for 1 hour in Saturday morning, 1 hour Sunday morning if required

Ø Create event in myLaps on laptop

Ø Verify numbers/memberships on MRC website (Stact)

Ø Enter Racers into program

Ø Determine Race Order

Ø Determine Practice Order

Ø Print/Post Practice/Race schedule (x5)

a. Staging

b. Results Board

c. Finish Line

d. Lap Scorers

e. Office

Ø Update results after each moto in myLaps

Ø Print/Post Results (x3) after each moto

a. Office

b. Staging

c. Results Board

Ø Track Payouts at end of Round

Ø Trophies (Prepare & Distribute to Top 3 of each classes)

Knowledge of ''Racing'' preferred, Previous Experience preferred but willing to train the right candidate

Guest User
2019 Triple Crown Race Series Payouts

Each Rounds Payouts


1st - $350 2nd - $200 3rd - $100

Pro - AM

1st - $225 2nd - $100 3rd - $50

Championship Payouts

Pro $3000

Pro AM $2000

UTV Production $2000

UTV Unlimited $2000

Guest User
Spring AGM Date Announced

Triple Crown Race Series’s Spring AGM will take place on April 13th, 2019 at 13h00 in Red Deer, AB.

Location: Sheraton Hotel - 3310 50 Ave, Red Deer, AB

Guest User
Welcome to our new online home!

While building our new site we didn't want to completely pull the blanket over your head so you will find most things in a similar place as the previous site!

Most of the valuable information can be found under the Racers tab including:

As we make the transition over to our new site we'd love to hear feedback! Please fill out the form below to give us your comments, thumbs up or suggestions!

desirae samantha